Recent Bruton Art Society workshops held in Hadspen Village hall.

“Still life in Fabric and Mixed media” Tutor: Imogen Bittner  Imogen showed the group how to make compositions using patterned and coloured fabrics to create ‘still life’ compositions from piles of wonderful textured, decorative and multicoloured materials which she supplied. Those  with sewing machines brought and used them expertly while the rest  used glue and hand stitching.  Imogen gave excellent guidance and the group were pleasantly surprised with their results. 

“ Mixed Media Landscapes” Tutor :Amanda Bee  This was a one day workshop where Amanda, who is a well known semi -abstract landscape painter in mixed media, gave the group a very structured day encouraging them to combine mixed media in their landscapes. She demonstrated some exciting approaches using mono printing, collagraphs, charcoal and acrylics, which resulted in some excellent and brave landscapes from the group. 

“Paint like a Cubist” Talk/Workshop  This was the last workshop of 2023, which included a PowerPoint presentation, followed by a few fun exercises to help understand what Cubism was all about.  In the afternoon, the group responded brilliantly when asked to paint a ‘still life’ composition in the ‘Synthetic’ Cubist style from real life objects they had been asked to bring in, based on the theme of “Kitchenware”. The results are very exciting and all so different.