The day did not start propitiously. With heavy clouds and lurking showers ready to dampen proceedings, the temptation was to head for home, still eight of us turned up and were soon caught by the beauty and tranquillity of the scene.
We were also made most welcome by the steward on duty who was keen to show us around the mill and encourage us to leave excess clobber. The rain somehow held off and we were all able to experience the pleasure and challenge of working directly from nature. Come lunch time and most of us set off for a very pleasant pub for food, drink and conversation.
On returning to the mill an hour later we found the rain had settled to a continuous drizzle. This meant going inside to draw the pulleys, wheels, bands and tools of this still functioning water mill. Quite a different challenge from the morning, yet surprisingly satisfying. This was my first attendance at a painting day and I now see how much I have missed. I attach some more images.