Would you like to be able to paint on an iPad like David Hockney?
If you have seen his exhibition “The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate in East Yorkshire” which he did in 2011, you will know how enchantingly fresh and unfettered his digital paintings are.
We have a few places left on a workshop on Saturday and Sunday the 12th and 13th of June at Hadspen Village Hall, Castle Cary, Somerset. We are lucky to have Diana Seidl, a well known artist, author and teacher in this “new” medium to help us develop (or begin in some cases) our digital experience.THE ART OF THE IPADDiana says
“This two day course will not only teach you to paint and draw on an iPad, but will also show you how it can be the most valuable tool to aid and improve your traditional painting. The technology is more simple than you think and students will be drawing and painting within 15 minutes of starting the course.” http://dianaseidl.co.uk/
The course costs £65. If you are interested, please book your place by emailing paybrutonart@nullgmail.com