Painting Day at Sherborne
SherborneDelightful country town in north Dorset with ancient abbey church and schools.
Delightful country town in north Dorset with ancient abbey church and schools.
Free to members, guests £5 (pay at door).
Lecturer: Jenny Newman.
Members Free, Guests welcome for a small fee of £5 (on the door). No booking required.
One day workshop with Lynn Keddie.
Book £40 online by 28th February.
2 Day workshop with Toby Wiggins RP
Book £80 online by 6th March.
1 Day workshop with Kate Lynch
1 Day Workshop with Kate Lynch
2 Day workshop with Imogen Bittner
1 day Talk/Workshop with Sally Ridout
(Image: Marilyn Peddle/Sturminster Mill)
Successful entrants will be sent more specific details beforehand.
Showcasing the work of many of the members of Bruton Art Society.....
2 Day workshop with James Budden
2 Day Workshop with Sarah Sherrington
Lecture/Demonstration with Mark Coreth
2 Day Workshop with Jackie Curtis
Coach trip to the RWA in Bristol
Christmas Lecture by David Chandler