Category Archives: Concrete Castles

Planning on Having Your Own Exhibition?

If you as a member are planning on having an exhibition of your work quite apart from our annual exhibition, please tell us about it and send us some photos and we would be delighted to feature it under NEWS. Similarly if you go to a local exhibition and would like to write a review of what was on show we would like to encourage you to do so, particularly if you have strong opinions as this could stimulate discussion and debate.

Secretary for BAS

Yes we need a Secretary.  This is a chance to join the BAS committee and make a really worthwhile contribution to the local art scene without it taking over your life. What would it entail? You would need to attend six or seven meeting per year, prepare the agenda for each meeting, give a secretary’s report, take minutes of the meeting and email these to committee members. If this sounds like something you could and would enjoy doing, please contact our chairman Will Vaughan. Tel: 01963 351840.

Our 60th Exhibition Opens

It was a freezing cold Friday evening when at 6pm on the 22nd of March a large turnout of artists, members, friends and family turned up for the opening and private viewing of  our 6oth Annual Exhibition held in the main hall and corridor of Bruton School for Girls.  Inside the hall was well lit, warm and welcoming and strengthened with a glass of wine everyone got down to the serious business of examining the 218 works on display and discussing what they thought of them.

viewers-8- Continue reading Our 60th Exhibition Opens

Welcome to our new website

We hope you will enjoy it, find it interesting, and if you are not yet a member will consider becoming one for we really are keen to attract new members. Anyone who is enthusiastic about  producing work in any medium is welcome to join us. Many of our members are quite experienced and professional, Others are new both to producing art and thinking about it. A visit to Exhibition 2012 will give you a good idea of some of the work our members have been producing. Continue reading Welcome to our new website