Category Archives: Talks

Bruton Art Society: A. G. M., Thursday 23rd January. Change of Lecture

This is a reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the Bruton Art Society will take place on Thursday 23rd January, 2.30-4.30, in Caryford Community Hall, Ansford Park, Castle Cary BA7 7JJ.

As usual, there will be reports on the Society’s activities, election of new committee members, and discussion of the Programme for 2014.

All members are welcome to attend.           Change of Lecture

Unfortunately Anthony Kelly has had to withdraw his lecture on Caravaggio on  account of ill health.
Instead there will be the following lecture after the A.G.M.:

Making Visible: The Art of Paul Klee by William Vaughan

This will look at the art of the celebrated Swiss 20th century artist in relation to the major
Exhibition of his work currently being held at Tate Modern