Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Bruton Art Society held at Caryford Community Hall, Castle Cary on 24th January 2013 at 2.30 p.m.
Present: 23 Members of the Society plus 9 members of the Committee
Greeting by the Chairman
- 1. Apologies: Joy Barnes, Maggie Knight, Louise Holgate, Sue Edwards, Doreen Harding, Richard and Jean Coward, Ann Warren.
- 2. Minutes of the last A.G.M. were read, confirmed and signed.
- 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes: None
- 4. The Treasurer’s Report: Copies of the Balance Sheet were distributed to members. Mrs Eastaugh reported the following:
Current Account at the close of 2012: £3,064.81
Deposit Account £5,280.27
Expenditure exceeded Income for the year by £758.45
Income from Subscriptions £1,460.00
The Treasurer stated that the loss was greater than the loss of £166.69 of the previous year. In part the loss related to a small shortfall on some events, but the principal cause was increased costs in administration and postage.
The two trips that had taken place had incurred a loss of £60
Annual Exhibition
61 artists exhibited and 18 works were sold. Many cards were sold.
Sales amounted to £3,718.40, of which the Society retained £966.20 commission.
Entry fees totalled £1,150.00 wine donations a catalogues made £271.36.
After deductions of costs the Exhibition made a loss of £93.71
Cost of Annual Membership would remain the same for 2013 but the Committee realized this would need to rise in 2014 because of increased costs of postage and printing. In 2014 the subscription would be £15 for single and £25 for joint membership.
Thanks were given to Mr Derek Cooke for his auditing of the accounts.
- 5. Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported on the Celebratory Lunch given by the Committee at The Montague Inn to mark the 100th Birthday of Joy Barnes, the Society’s President. Also attending had been past, long serving Committee members and Joy Barnes had enjoyed the opportunity to meet again with old friends. Mrs Neal stated that the Committee had regretted the inability to invite all B.A.S. members but consideration had been given that the event must be of suitable numbers for Joy to appreciate.
There had been variable support for Society events during 2012. Workshops had gone well but two trips had been cancelled because of insufficient bookings and the Committee apologised to those who had been disappointed with the outcome. The Secretary hoped the trips would be a priority in members’ diaries for 2013 and requested that Jane Onslow, the Bookings Officer, be informed of members’ wishes to attend at the appropriate time. Thanks were given to Jane for all her work in dealing with bookings. Painting Days had not enjoyed good weather but stoical members had met together, although painting opportunities had been limited.
Two excellent talks had taken place and it had been good to see members bringing friends and visitors.
Mrs Neal announced her retirement from the Committee and the position of Secretary. She had enjoyed the various positions held and gave particular thanks to Committee members for their unfailing support and with whom it had been a great privilege to work.
- 6. Exhibition Secretary’s Report
Clive Dand, Exhibition Secretary, reported that the Annual Exhibition 2012 had been well received and the work had been of a high standard. He gave thanks to Bruton School for Girls for their co-operation, and John Burrough, the retiring Headmaster, had opened the exhibition. B.A.S. would be accommodating the Exhibition again at Easter 2013 and for that, The Society was most grateful.
Clive gave dates for the sending-in of work, Private View and closing of the Exhibition. These were;
Sending-in day; Sunday 17th March 2013
Private view; Friday 22nd March
Closing of exhibition Friday 29th March
As the Society was celebrating its 60th Year, a new annual award would be made, to be known as the Joy Barnes award and in 2013 this would include a bottle of Champagne.
At The Chapel proprietors and David Craigie had agreed to sponsor an award and B.A.S. would again present a prize of £100 for the school’s most promising art student.
The Exhibition Secretary requested that members give the Exhibition publicity by encouraging friends to visit.
- 7. Chairman’s Summary
Mrs Palmer gave thanks to the Committee for work during the year and also to those who had given much help at the Annual Exhibition.
Thanks were given to Jim Eastaugh for his assiduous work in keeping the Membership List up-dated and to John Baxter for the advertising and photography of work, which he had included on the Wincanton Window web site.
The retirement of the Hon. Treasurer, Rosemary Eastaugh and that of the Secretary, Frances Neal was announced; Jenny Farrer would remain on the Committee having handed over Programme Planning to Will Vaughan. The Chairman gave warm thanks for all the work done by these members. Rosemary Eastaugh has been a member and Treasurer for 13 years. Frances Neale has been on the committee for 12 years and has been producing the Newsletter and the Programme. Jenny Farrer has been on the committee for seven years. Presentations were made to each retiree as a token of gratitude.
8. Election of Officers and Committee
As well as the resignation of Mrs Eastaugh and Mrs Neal, Mrs Louise Holgate had also resigned from the Committee. The Chairman thanked Mrs Holgate for her contribution to B.A.S.
The remaining Committee members were willing to stand and were re-elected.
Angelina Palmer announced that she was stepping down from the position of Chairman.
Professor Vaughan was proposed as Chairman by Clive Dand and seconded by Frances Neal. Will Vaughan was willing to stand and was duly elected as Chairman.
Maggie Knight was proposed as Hon. Treasurer by Katharine Skillen and seconded by Jane Onslow. Maggie Knight was willing to stand and was duly elected as Hon. Treasurer.
There were no nominations for the office of Secretary.
New members of the Committee were proposed:
John Baxter was nominated by Margaret Kelly and seconded by Rosemary Eastaugh.
Claudia Gunton was nominated by Biddy Moreton and seconded by Tessa McIntyre Both these members were willing to stand and were duly elected.
Professor Vaughan took the Chair and continued with the remaining Agenda.
He began by thanking Angelina Palmer for her work as Chairman. Angelina has been serving on the Committtee for fifteen years. Prior to becoming Chair in 2004 she had acted as editor of the Newsletter. In the last year she has taken on the editorship again and will continue serving on the Committee. Angelina was presented with a bouquet of flowers in grateful recognition of her service to the Society.
Will Vaughan then stated that Committee members would share the Secretarial tasks until such time that a member be elected to this post. He asked that members give this matter consideration.
- 9. Programme 2013:
Will Vaughan presented the Programme on which he and Jane Onslow had been working, with the assistance of Jenny Farrer and Louise Holgate.
Once the Committee details had been given, the printers would complete the Programme card and this would be circulated to members as soon as possible.
The first event would be the Annual Exhibition and Sending-ln Day for work would be Sunday 17th March.
Will Vaughan listed the four workshops taking place and the three Painting Days.
Two Trips were organised, the popular visit to the R.W.A. in November but also one to the Dulwich Picture Gallery; this was not a Gallery easily accessible to us and it was hoped, therefore, that the visit would be well supported.
As Hauser and Wirth would be opening a major Art Gallery in Bruton, the talk on Hauser and Wirth Artists in May should be of particular interest.
Copies of the Programme were on view at the notice board for those wishing to make immediate note of dates.
The chairman invited Mr John Baxter to speak about his plans for the upgrade of the B.A.S. web site. John stated that he would have a new web site available very quickly and one which would “trumpet the Programme,” stimulate interest and as a result, possibly encourage the recruiting of young people to The Society.
Artist members could exhibit six images and also, if wished, could link to personal web sites. Comments and opinions on Society events could also be included.
The Chairman thanked Mr Baxter for what would be a very valuable addition for B.A.S.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 3.20 pm.